"There is currently a crisis of food insecurity in Britain, something which affects the basic human rights of millions of our citizens every day. We are seeing a crisis of food poverty born out of the political choices and systemic failings created over the past four decades. Now is not the time to be tinkering around the edges, we need bold legislation that recognises the simple, basic human right to food so that families are no longer struggling to put food on their tables, and children are no longer going hungry. We need legislation that protects people’s right to food, alongside their other economic, social, and cultural rights. People have a right to a decent standard of living, and it is time we recognised this as a country."
“I believe Labour should commit to enshrine Social Rights in British law. A Right to Housing would ensure a safety net for those in the private rental sector. A Right to Work would guarantee good pay, conditions and the right to organise collectively. The next Labour Government must put into law our promise of hope for the British people.”
“Millions of people in the UK were already facing poverty before coronavirus hit. The double whammy of austerity and Covid-19 threatens to tip struggling families over the edge. People cannot afford to put food on their tables, they are struggling with spiralling housing costs and barely surviving on Universal Credit payments. The current scale of this crisis demands a serious solution. It is time to recognise our social rights to food, housing, and social security in law so that people can have a decent standard of living.”
“Britain under the past 10 years of Tory driven austerity has created an increasingly unequal, unfair, and insecure society. This has been greatly exacerbated by the Covid-19 crisis. That is why I fully support the initiative from The Labour Campaign for Human Rights to ensure that our Party deepens its commitment to social justice by the inclusion of a Social Rights Act in the next manifesto. This will enshrine our rights to food, housing, health, work, and social security into law, for this, and future generations.”
"For the past year, the Government has repeatedly failed to guarantee the very basics to everyone - whether that's having enough food, a roof over our heads, or money to pay the bills. By enshrining the Right to Food in law, as well as the Right to Housing, Health, Work and Social Security, we can make sure no UK government, now or in the future, can stand by whilst people go hungry."
“If the Labour Party that I joined is about anything it is about making sure that everyone has an equal right to have at least their basic needs met. That's why I support this initiative to have this enshrined in law. But watch this space - Wales may yet steal a march on Westminster on this, and I will be helping to promote this initiative in my own country too."
"As the MP for Manchester Gorton, which has one of the highest child poverty rates, it is now more apparent than ever that poverty is a growing issue, not just in Manchester, but across the country. This pandemic has laid bare societal inequalities. People need clean air, food & water, and adequate housing in order to have a decent standard of living. Without these rights protected in law, people are falling through the cracks. The Labour Party should protect these rights in order to create a legacy of lasting change."
"In the 6th richest country in the world, no one should be left without basic social rights such as food, housing, healthcare, work and social security. Now more than ever, we are seeing the dire consequences that can occur when individuals are lacking these basic social rights. I am pleased to support the Labour Campaign for Human Rights and their call to enshrine these social rights in UK law and support calls for a Social Rights Act.”
“The pandemic has explicitly highlighted the importance of an equal access to food for all. A commitment to The Right to Food within a Social Rights Act will ensure that no matter which party is in Government, they will always be held accountable for everyone having access to nutritional food.”
“The pandemic has exposed and exacerbated the fissures that exist in our society. But it did not create them. Since 2010 austerity has hollowed out our public services and left people exposed to the whims of a government set on cutting back support. This campaign is much needed and would strengthen the inalienable right to the basic essentials we need as humans not just to survive but to thrive. I am proud to add my name in support of the campaign.”
“A Social Rights Act would enshrine economic, social and cultural rights in law so that everyone has an adequate standard of living. The past decade has seen a full-frontal attack on people’s access to good quality housing; food insecurity has been rife; and inequalities in our health system have been exposed. It needs to become a statutory requirement for public bodies to ensure everyone has a roof over their heads, food on the table and access to high quality free medical care.”
“I am delighted to support the work of the Labour Campaign for Human Rights, and their pioneering campaign for Social Rights. In adopting commitments to these basic provisions in our next manifesto, Labour would be continuing our proud tradition of supporting everyone to live in comfort and dignity. Labour have managed to deliver enormous social change when we’ve been in power, from creating the NHS to the national living wage. But when it comes to social rights, we can promise so much more. Activists like those in LHCR will help to make that happen.”